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A member registered Mar 14, 2019

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My best game, if I forgot anything, may I suggest you to add an end screen after wave 129 because its really hard to go to wave 130 (need to have the right amount of scrap etc). It's a big challenge. Would be a very nice ending to the game.

Thank you for your reply,

One last thing that may looking strange I forgot is if you play without talking to the cloaked stranger you can see him still on the other location, so it's like he is at various position at the same time

Hello  I really like very much your 2 games, I would like just make some minor comments (minor bugs I think but which for me are unlogical) :

- there is a bug that often happen at the Gate of Xor, there is sound continuing of writing text until the end of game, the only way to end of the sound is to quit.

- You can't travel to desert and go South if you don't read the book even if you know how to. Same for oasis, if you don't examine the map. Why ?

- If you freeze time on a Cicada screen after he flies away, if you go back when the times is still freezed to the screen it reappears. 

Otherelse I'm very fan and for your next game I will make a donation :)

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salut, oui beaucoup quoique un peu simple et surtout trop court ;)

sur la version X86 ça dépend des parties, en fait la musique continue mais on ne peut plus bouger le personnage et le sablier apparait, c'est peut-etre un problème de mémoire quelque part. Mais en fait après hier soir j'ai téléchargé la version LOVE du jeu (le fichier love) et ça plante jamais tout en étant plus rapide (rame moins pour déplacer le personnage) donc j'ai pu finir le jeu :)

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bonjour, j'aime beaucoup le jeu, le principe, l'ambiance et la musique mais serait-il possible d'avoir une version qui ne plante pas ?

Ca plante toujours un moment où à un autre , j'arrive à avoir deux grosses clefs et 6 petites dans mes parties les plus longues (si ça plante pas avant) mais ça plante et je n'ai toujours pas pu voir le sorcier ou finir le jeu :(

Hi, I enjoyed this game a lot, especially the background with the music and when you discover the game, you are lost and try to survive and discover all this wonderful  stuff.

I managed to finish the game with all characters ! (first time with battlemage, then  Psycho (easy), archmage, illusionnist and finally with lich) but please remove the artefact bug :

frequently, when you pick up an artefact the game freeze on the artefact screen. When you want to do an usual game and try to gain a lot of artefacts to power up, you cant win ! the game will freeze . So you must avoid artefact zone, it's too bad. I had this bug 3 parties in a row with Lich, one game I had 80 water mana (cause I had 8 spells and the frozen rings), I was really disappointed.

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Little Land or Big City ? I enjoyed this game a lot !

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Awesome ! Remind me old hard Megadrive shoot that I played a lot which are looping like Tastujin, Twin hawk etc... Here's my score after one morning training  !

Also I didn't notice the bombs in the beginning and I thought it was maybe the most difficult shoot I ever played, I reached to the boss of level 7 without using any bombs !

Very nice game, I'm always dying near waves 130 because I run out of ammo, any clue to help me ?